Saturday, October 13, 2012

xG Technology Conducts Cognitive Radio Demo at FCC | xG ...

On Sept, 27, 2012, representatives of xG Technology and its parent company, MB Technology Holdings, LLC, met with FCC staff members in Washington, DC. The purpose was to describe and show xG?s latest developments in cognitive radio technology, particularly how its rapid deployment and interference avoidance and mitigation capabilities could meet public safety and homeland security goals in emergency and mission-critical situations.

xG Technology Conducts Cognitive Radio Demo at FCCTo showcase xG?s cognitive radio technology in action, the meeting included a live demonstration of a self-contained, single-cell xG vehicle that had been outfitted as a mobile communications system with an antenna mast and integrated satellite uplink equipment. The demonstration used commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tablets and smartphones to transmit and receive voice (including push-to-talk services), text and broadband data applications over the xMax cognitive radio system to and from various locations, while both stationary and on the move.

xG also incorporated a 25 by 25 foot inflatable tactical shelter at the demo with full presentation and seating facilities to simulate an emergency command center.

The entire demonstration was successfully conducted despite substantial interference present in the shared unlicensed 900MHz band of the metro DC area. This underscored the fact that xMax clearly supports FCC initiatives for spectrum sharing, as well as being able to seamlessly integrate with commercial cellular services.

The meeting and demo resulted from a Request for Information (RFI) sent out by the FCC on ?Deployable Aerial Communications Architecture? (DACA). The FCC was looking for new solutions that would enable first responders to rapidly deploy a wireless communications system in a disaster zone.

Most of the respondents to the FCC?s request claimed it would only be doable using commercial frequencies. By contrast, xG responded by saying that the xMax cognitive radio system could use existing unlicensed frequencies and not interfere with commercial or public safety networks.

The xMax cognitive radio network solution is very well suited to addressing the particular requirements of public safety networks. Its spectrum-agile properties allow operation in frequencies that are unused and available at any moment in time. Leveraging its ability to operate in unlicensed spectrum, xMax delivers a robust, rapidly deployable, cost-effective, carrier-class emergency network communications system ? when and where it is needed. The Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and Interference Mitigation technology xG developed and is deploying enables the xMax system to deliver a ?licensed spectrum experience using unlicensed spectrum.?

Images from the event can be seen at this link: xG Technology FCC Cognitive Radio Demo Images (Facebook)
xG's official response to the FCC can be viewed at this link: xG Response to FCC DACA Notice of Inquiry

Daniel Carpini
Marketing Director
xG Technology, Inc.

Tags: cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, FCC, interference mitigation, public safety, spectrum, spectrum sharing, unlicensed, wireless spectrum


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